Today was actually so shit so instead of life post, we're just getting an explanation of the games popping up at the top of the screen.
What are they and why???
I've got no hobbies lol so I've just been coding really basic and stupidly easy games.
What games are there?
Currently we have tic tac toe, 2048, shitty wheat growing simulator, maze game that is brain-numbingly easy because I can't figure out how to make the randomization make patterns that are mazes without being impossible, snake, and memory! (more to be added later as I now have winter break. I might just make one masterpost with them all and render this post obsolete :3)
Anything else?
I'll just post 20/12's post tomorrow when I have the spoons to unpack the fuckery that was today. (MY PHYSICS TEACHER THINKS I HAVE DEPRESSION???)
have a good day!!